Home Forums Viewpoints PART 1: THE CO.

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  • #3474
    Anna Bettger

    As we look to the COre foundation of who we are and how we function we realize that we can move, shift, and change; from a society that is built upon the religion of COdependency to one that is redirected for the COllaboration of CO-OPeratives! This article is written in hopes of bringing CO-Operation to the forefront as a system that will strengthen the resilience of our COmmunities. We can do this by understanding the CO in COmmunity and how to put it in use for a COoperative structure that fosters COnstructive criticism, COeducation, COncern, and COmpassion for one another. We can allow ourselves to do this even amongst the current COrporate operating system that currently exists within our legal and technical structures. We can CO-create COntinuity for lasting creative COnnection.

    Let’s start with a list of words to which CO is COmmonly found.















    As we can see from this list (there are plenty I’m missing like COmpany) CO shows up for us in a lot of everyday vocabulary. So what’s with the governance of a CO-OP structure that COuntries like Canada are seeing a focus in as they expand their COmmons with a surge in co-operatives? What is a co-op? And why is the focus shifting in that direction for many societies (especially intentional COmmunities) that seek to ‘reform equality’ and ‘education of the people’ by the people?

    First we must acknowledge some basic premises of reality. Such that will move us forward in our COnception of the whole. If we are seeking some sort of systemic change we must first acknowledge how current systems in place are already working (or not) and we must then look at what it is we wish to see change. Where are we headed? Let’s use our system of intuition to guide us to a place of receptivity. Let’s use the socratic method to COntinually ask questions, as we COnsciously gain information and knowledge from true wisdom that has withstood the test of time from traditions that have led us to where we are today. Let us not ‘throw out the baby with the bathwater’ so to speak, but rather use a strong foundation that which has provided us shelter and sustenance thus far.

    The work of survival is COnstant. May we give thanks as we seek to move on through understanding ourselves better. As our evolution is surely COnsistent we will find a path forward as time persists. I pray that we can let that be one of CO-Operation as we seek resilience in the work that we do as a human species.

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