Should Breitenbush share its business plan and finances publicly?

Home Forums Surveys Should Breitenbush share its business plan and finances publicly?

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  • #3779
    John Holley

    As Breitenbush regularly solicits donations, it should show it has a viable business plan and adhere to the Donor Bill of Rights (see link below). Making the best decisions to use its limited fire insurance settlement and to attract guests back is critical to Breitenbush’s future success.
    Greater transparency would help Breitenbush attract the outside support it needs to survive. Breitenbush used to publish its financial reports in its 1980’s newsletters, but stopped at some point. Other centers still publish their financial reports.

    Esalen Institute:
    Omega Institute:
    Hollyhock in B.C. Canada:

    Donor Bill of Rights (please see the first three especially)

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by John Holley.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by John Holley.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by John Holley.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by John Holley.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by John Holley.

    The fact that Breitenbush has not been willing to be more transparent about it’s finances reflects a lack of trust in the public to witness the process by which it takes in donations and funnels them where they are most needed. When an organization displays a lack of trust or confidence in the outside world who supports it generously, it actually creates mistrust. By becoming completely transparent it would instill a level of trust from the rest of us, encouraging us to be more supportive as it continues to stabilize itself as a center of healing and well being.

    Nicole Garcia

    Breitenbush was more transparent with all this information in the past. To alumni or others. The fact it’s changed is very sad and does make for distrust.


    I think they should go back to the earlier model and share this information and be open to meeting information to be shared.

    Lora Mae

    I think the lack of transparency raises suspicion. It would behoove the business to be open and honest about many things, including finances.
    If there was more, or really any, receptivity to input and suggestions from the many brilliant minds with ideas, it may help solve some problems.

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