
History of Breitenbush

by John Holley

1904 Claude Mansfield get land grant for the Breitenbush Hot Springs property.

1914 Claude Mansfield builds cabin that stands until 2014 when it collapses from age and snowfall.

1977 (April 1)    Alex Beamer buys Breitenbush Hot Springs in a run down condition.

2017 Breitenbush closes for most of the month of Sept. because of constant smoke from a nearby forest fire.

2020 (March 17) Breitenbush closes due to Covid-19 and many community members are laid off. Some community members leave and some stay on land.

2020 (August) Breitenbush reopens with facilities modified to accomodate social distancing.

2020 (Sept. 7, Labor Day) A forest fire sweeps through Breitenbush burning down all the guest cabins, the Sanctuary, massage and maintance buildings and some staff housing. Many more community members are laid off  and have to move away.

2021 Breitenbush reopens with some spaces converted into new lodgings and some new staff.

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